ASA103 Coastal Cruising Certification
Coastal Cruising Certification
Prerequisites: 30-hours of keelboat sailing after completing your ASA 101 certification or 2-years of keelboat ownership. Can be waived with instructor approval.
2 to 3 Day Sessions: Taught on any weekday or weekend – year round.
Limit of no more than 2 Students Per Class
You must sign up and pay the course fee through PayPal before we can assign you an instructor.
Please give us at least 10 days notice to line up your instructor. If we cannot set up your class up in a two week period, we will refund your course fee.
Registration Fee: $699 non-member and $525 AYC-member
No Pre-set Class Dates: any weekday (Friday afternoon works best) or selected weekends when not conflicting with our racing schedule.
If undecided, please do not register and not make the ClubSpot payment. You can always send the Head ASA Instructor and email with your your questions.
Step up to a larger boat by learning to cruise safely in local and regional waters as both skipper and crew on an auxiliary diesel powered wheel sailboat of about 30 to 40 feet in length, in moderate winds and sea conditions.
Topics Covered in ASA 103
Ability to demonstrate ability to skipper a sloop-rigged keelboat auxiliary powered inboard diesel engine on a keelboat of approximately 30 to 40 feet length by day in moderate winds and sea conditions
ASA 103 is a two day class taught on Lake Travis that prepares you to cruise coastal waters during daylight hours within sight of land. You will be using a diesel powered engine with a wheel instead of a tiller.
- Cruising sailboat terminology
- Basic boat systems
- Auxiliary outboard engine operation
- Diesel engine basic
- Docking procedures
- Intermediate sail trim
- Navigation rules
- Basic coastal navigation
- Anchoring
- Weather interpretation
- Man Overboard Recovery Under Power using the Anderson Turn
ASA 103 Agenda
Day 1
The first day of ASA 103 focuses on maneuvering and docking a diesel engine sailboat with a wheel. Day 1 is usually taught in winds under 6 MPH. Topics covered are basic boat systems, auxiliary outboard engine operation, diesel engine basics, docking procedures, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather interpretation, Man Overboard Recovery Under Power using the Anderson Turn, and fighting an onboard fire.
Day 2
The second day of ASA 103 focuses on sailing in winds of preferably over 10 MPH in sight of shore. Topics covered are advanced sail trim, steering without the use of the wheel, Man Overboard Recovering under sail using the Quick Stop Method, use of jack lines, safety, seamanship, and sailing short handed.
A third on the water session can be arranged if needed.