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J 80 Fleet

Welcome to the J 80 Fleet!

The AYC J 80 Fleet was chartered as North American Fleet # 6 in the mid 1990’s. The fleet included 5-6 boats throughout the 90’s and into the early 2000’s. By around 2010 the fleet had grown to approximately ten boats at AYC. After the long-term drought ended in 2015, the J 80 Fleet experienced a resurgence in growth.

By 2018, there were twelve J 80’s at AYC, and nearly all of them were actively raced. About that time, the Fleet was recognized by AYC as a One-Design Fleet and the interest increased even more. AYC members went as far as Florida, the East Coast and the Great Lakes area in search of a good, competitive J 80. By the end of 2019, there were 23 J 80’s at AYC and regularly there were 15+ boats racing in the AYC Series races.

As of the end of 2020, there have been three more J 80’s added to the AYC Fleet. This brings our total number of boats to 26, which is the largest J 80 Fleet (by number of boats) in the Western Hemisphere. We are also the most active fleet in terms of average number of boats racing and number of races held during the year.

Our Fleet continues to be one of the most active sailing Fleets at AYC. We host informal J 80 races, we regularly have 15 or more boats participate in AYC sponsored events, and we have regular social events after most races. The Fleet has become and will remain one of the most fun, competitive and enjoyable racing fleets at AYC.

Contact info:

Fleet Captain – Ray Shull

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